Surgeon's Report of the killed, wounded and missing of the
5th U.S. Col'd. Cavalry at the Battle of Saltville, October 2, 1864

Head Quarters 5th U.S. Col. Cavalry,
In the Field Near Prestonburg, Ky.
October 8, 1864,
Col. James F. Wade,
Commanding 5th U.S. Col. Cavalry

 Sir: I have the honor herewith to report the following casualties occurring in this command during the recent action at King's Salt Works, in Virginia, on Sunday afternoon, October 2, 1864:


Killed: -Lt. W.F. Wise
Sgt. Major Ed. McKee
Wounded & Missing-Lt. Rufus E. Hackett, fracture of femur, left on field
Wounded, Present-Lt. Roscius E. Whipple, left arm
Lt. Oscar S. Allen, left breast (slight)
Lt. H.D. Windship, left ear (slight)
Total-Killed, 2; Wounded & Missing, 1; Wounded, present, 3.

Per val Army Reg. 8 – Whipple, Gilluly, Skulls, Gates, Landis belong to the 6th U.S. Co. Cav.


Ellis Johnson
Capt. Day's Co.
Henry Keel 
Percy Griffin.
Lt. Putney's Co.
Ed. Harrington
John Chin.
Capt. Shull's Co.
Henry Downing 
Henry Bedford 
Saml. Miller, Sgt.
Lt. Galloulys's Co.
James Harden 
Lt. Packer's Co.
Tinsley Williams 
Henry Adkins 
Capt. Stone's Co.
Lee Akin, Sgt. 
Nevil Jordan 
Thos. Foster 
John Hunter
Larry Scott
Lt. Landis
David King
Robt. Mason

Wounded and Missing:

George Lewis Lt. Taylor's Co. Left side, on the field
Julius Leach,   Both hips
Noah Dunster " Left shoulder
Joseph Black    Missing
Saul Harrison " "
Harrison Wright  Capt. Day's Co. In the neck, field hosp.
Henry Rice   Left thigh & left arm (accidentally)
Pleasant Hill   Left arm, in field hosp.
Harvey Lewis   Right shoulder "
George Dodd    Right thigh, "
Henry Clay   Right thigh, in field hosp.
Dudley Dained    Left thigh, "
James W. Sears    Left arm, "
Benj. McCormick    Missing
Jeff Brown  Lt. Putney's Co. Missing
Wm.Lewis  " "
Wm. Martin  " "
Kane Scott " "
John Henry  " "
John Harrison  Lt. Gates' Co Left breast, in field hosp.
Thos. Seales  " Missing
Grand Thomas  " "
Wm. Baker  " "
Harrison Jackson  Capt. Shull's Co. Wounded & left on field
Peter Blakeman  " "
Jack Martin " "
John Taylor  " Missing
George Clay  " "
Joseph Massey  " "
Harrison Hagins  Lt. Galluoly’s Co. Left thigh, in field hosp.
James Mason " Missing
Ralph Cook. " Left leg, in field hosp.
Wm. Cissle " Back,
Chas. Cissle   Missing
Saml. Robinson  " "
Wiley Fox " "
Leog Ingham Lt. Whipple's Co. Left thigh, in field hosp.
Sim Ingham  " Missing
Cain Scott  " "
Thomas Sloan " "
Saml. Harris " "
Benj. Robertson, Sergt. Capt. Stone's Co. Both thighs, in field hosp.
Pious Dominick, Corp. " Abdomen (mortally)
Jerry Thompson  " "
Martin Saynes  " Both arms (left amputated) "
Joseph Taylor  Lt. Packer's Co. Hand - missing
David Brown  Lt. Landis' Co. Missing
Geo. Williams " "
Alfred Robinson  " "
Davis Craig " "
Thos. Williams " "
Dick Brown  " "

Wounded And Present:
Thos. Wilson  Lt. Taylor's Co. Right thigh
Wm. Jackman  " Left arm, at shoulder
Jacob Green " Left side (slight)
Joseph Anderson  Capt. Daly's Co. Right thigh
Ed. Johnson  " Top of head
Anderson Bowle  " Left arm at shoulder
Henry N. Cowan  Lt. Putney's Co. Right knee
Morton Murphy " Upper lip
John Henry " Left hip
Thomas White  Lt. Gates' Co. Through both hips
Claiborne Fox " Forefinger, left hand
Edmund Webb  " Left arm
Alex Seales  " Left arm
Birch Torbert Capt. Shull's Co. Left Leg (slight
Wm. Buchanan " Right thigh
Joseph Kane  " Left arm
Henry Bailey " Left leg
Thos. Scott " Back (slight)
Patrick Bachman  " Right arm
Henry Boon  Lt. Gallouly's Co Right thigh
Saml. Johnson " Left shoulder
Pious Roper " Left ear (slight
Wm. Henderson " Head (slight)
John H. Montgomery  Lt. Packer's Co. Right thigh
Joseph Tilley " Left hand (slight)
Joseph Green  Lt. Whipple's Co. Left arm (amp)
James Mitchell " Right arm
Danl. Wright " Left hand
Jerry Thomas, Sergt. Capt. Stone's Co Left thigh
John Croome, Corp. " Right leg
Moses Greathouse " Left Leg
James Conner  " Right Leg
Isaac Samuels " Right Shoulder
James Hagan " Left Thumb (amp)
Aaron Cravens " Left Thigh
John Stone " Left Shoulder
George Frazier " Left Hand (slight)
Saml. Hubbard " Left Foot
David Long " Forefinger left hand (amp)
James Jones  Lt. Landis' Co. Right side of chest
Albert Step " Left leg
Chas. Akin " Left arm

Total: Killed - 18; Wounded and Missing, 52; Wounded and Present, 42.

Recapitulation --
Killed – Officers - 2
Men -  18 – 20
Wounded & Missing – Officers -  1
Men - 52 - 53
Wounded & Present – Officers - 3
Men - 42 - 45
Total Loss In Action 

Of the character of the wounds it is unnecessary for me to speak in this connection -- a surgical report having already been forwarded to the Medical Director of this Division -- Surgeon Hatchet. The vast majority of the wounds were severe and although many of the men were brought with us as far as this point, whom I thought would be left by the way, yet preferring present suffering to loathsome imprisonment or brutal murder at the hands of their enemies, they kept up their spirits bravely, and I have the satisfaction to inform you - that all were brought here in safety. From here I will send them down the river. Had sufficient time been allowed me, I could have taken measures to have brought more with us upon returning from before the Salt Works.

With great respect, Colonel, I remain yours very truly,

William H. Egle
Surg. 116th U.S. Colored Infs
Acting Surgeon 5th U.S. Col. Cavalry.